Berlin 2021

Conference History

In June 2021, the 2nd Global Conference on Women’s Studies pushed the boundaries of what the women’s studies conference could achieve by virtually gathering participants from every corner of the world to network and share research in new and exciting ways. The unique circumstances of GCWS 2021 inspired attendees to engage with one another – in a novel setting, prompting an unparalleled level of interaction, discussion and accessibility. Followed by a Post-Conference Meeting, attendees connected in ways never before possible, explored ideas, and actively learned in a new, online environment.

Keynote Speaker
women's studies conference

Dr. Ljupka Naumovska

Dr. Ljupka Naumovska is an Assistant Professor at the world-renowned Rennes Business School in France where she examines the trends and policies that help shape the ever shifting marketing environment. She is a respected educator, consultant and life-long learner. She has spent much of her time making a difference in academia: as an assistant professor and as a visiting lecturer in Universities in Macedonia, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, France and U.S. A significant portion of her nonacademic work is dedicated to consultancy in the field of marketing, branding, political marketing and PR. But Ljupka’s impact goes far beyond the classroom. She is enthusiastically supportive of start-ups that constructively ‘move the planet forward’, and, she is a consistent voice on the need for women to play a much larger role in all aspects of society. As a proud activist and feminist, she is compelled to campaign for gender equality and social justice.

Meet some of our Highlighted Speakers from the Second edition
AuthorArticle TitleAffiliation
women's studies conferenceDr. Monia Chouari JerfelReconsidering the Victorian Angel in the Light of Butler’s Concept of Performativity as a Key Indicator of Gender Identity ConstructionFaculty of Arts and Human Sciences, Sousse Univ. , Tunisia
women's studies conferenceDr. Nuzha Allassad AlhuzailThe Experience of Bedouin-Arab Adolescent Girls in Polygamous FamiliesSapir Academic College, Israel
women's studies conference Prof. Dr. Prachi PriyankaAmalgamation of East and West in Art of Amrita Sher-GilSharda University, India
women's studies conferenceDr. Sana KadhimQati Hermeneutic Islamic Feminism: An Epistemiological Intellectual Approach “Asst. prof. of Political ThoughtCollege of Political Science, University of Baghdad, Iraq
women's studies conferenceDr. Inass AliFeminism and Theorizing In International Relations DisciplineCollege of Political Science, University of Baghdad, Iraq
women's studies conferenceProf. Dr. Isabel Cristina CarvalhoCritical spatial thinking in women’s resilience for an inclusive cityCIAC-UAb Research Centre in Arts and Communication. Aberta University, Portugal
women's studies conferenceProf. Dr.Aparna BandyopadhyayThe Age of Consent Act of 1891: Unheard Voices from Colonial BengalDiamond Harbour Women’s University, India
women's studies conferenceMrs. Rizkisyabana YulistyaputriLegis Ratio on the Distribution of the Inheritance Between Men and Women in order to Protect Women’s Rights: Islamic Law ExperienceThe Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia, Indonesia
women's studies conferenceProf. Dr.Dolores Alemany-MartinezStrategies to improve women’s wellbeing: An exploratory study of supportive mental health appsEOI Alacant (Official School of Languages), Alicante, Spain
women's studies conferenceDr. Muhammad MoizUnravelling the ‘Uteropolitic’: Problematizing the Global Family Planning Apparatus through a Post-Colonial Feminist Lens from PakistanGlobal Health Directorate, Pakistan
women's studies conferenceMrs. Anna TriningsihEducation with Gender Justice in the Perspective of the ConstitutionThe Constitutional Court of Indonesia, Indonesia
women's studies conferenceMrs. Swati VohraSDG’s & Gender Equality – The impact of unpaid labor on women’s leadership in IndiaSoka University, Japan
women's studies conferenceMrs. Sabeehah RavatThe Cost of Disobedience: Resisting Gender Categorisation in Professional SportsUniversity of South Florida, United States
women's studies conferenceMrs. Maria KalfaGender-based violence and abuse: Melek’s victoryAUTH, Greece
women's studies conferenceMs. Grace Chenxin LiuBreaking the Barriers in Women’s Fencing: Historical Roots, Title IX and Empowerment of WomenFounder of Sharing to Empower, United States
women's studies conferenceMrs. Edita BratanovicEmotional and Existential Dependence on Men in Tennessee Williams’s Plays “The Glass Menagerie” and “A Streetcar Named Desire”Univerisity of Belgrade, Serbia
women's studies conferenceMrs. Shelly A KumarRe-thinking Skills by transmitting local knowldege into SkillsAmbedkar University Delhi, India
women's studies conferenceMrs. Amber CastellanosToo Soon for Their TimeCalifornia State University Northridge , United States
women's studies conferenceMrs. Tri WindariWomen, do we support one another? Voting behavior of Indonesian female college students for a female candidate amidst Covid-19Western Michigan University, United States
women's studies conferenceMrs. Lameaa Jabbar AteiaFeminist Cognitive Contribution in the Field of International RelationsCollege of Political Science, University of Baghdad, Iraq
women's studies conferenceMr. Zaka Firma Aditya Judicial Masculinity: Examining The Role And Effect of Women’s Justice in The Indonesian Constitutional CourtThe Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia, Indonesia

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